Iva GreyWolf, Ph.D.
President 2019-2021, Society of Indian Psychologists
Iva GreyWolf, PhD, has served in the field of behavioral health for over 40 years in rural and remote communities mostly with underserved indigenous people, much of that time in Alaska. She is a licensed clinical psychologist who is committed to serving the underserved and her special interest include complex trauma and addictions treatment. Dr. GreyWolf is Assiniboine and Anishinabe, roots in Montana and Wisconsin. She has been a cultural consultant/advisor to AKPIC since its inception in 2009. She is a trainer/consultant nationally and internationally on a variety of behavioral health issues such as complex trauma, co-occurring disorders, grief, clinical supervision and resilience. Dr. GreyWolf has served as a member and chair of the American Psychological Association Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs and as a member and chair of the APA Committee on Rural Health, as a commissioner on the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification and on the Alaska Board of Psychologists. GreyWolf is an APA fellow. She currently serves on CEMRRAT2, the APA Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment Retention and Training. Dr. GreyWolf is currently the president of the Society of Indian Psychologists. She and her husband reside in Oregon where they enjoy being Master Gardeners and Master Food Preservers. They have 10 children between them, multiple grandchildren, and one rescue cat.